Sunday, April 24, 2016

With the first ten-miles (northern section) of our Shenipsit Marathon set, as well as the last seven-miles from Mountain Road into Whitiker Woods and McCann Farm, all that was left was a test run on the two middle sections.

First middle section is a short two-miles, between Route 190 and Gulf Road.  That leaves us with roughly seven or eight-miles for the "Soapstone" portion.

Interesting "balanced" or "perched" boulder along Parker Road. 

Today was a strong 12+ miles in 2:38:00.  That was good running for us, especially since we lost some time with the right off the Kibbe extension (turned too soon, but it worked out), and we did some loops after crossing Parker Road.  There are just so many trails in this forest...  and I don't mean that in a good way.

Wuzzam and Tedziou find "us" on the kiosk map.

The mileage worked out today;  the planned marathon run is at least twenty six-miles.  The maps are complete, and the trails are cemented in our heads.  Now, just a bit more "build-up" to get to where we can comfortably run for six to seven hours.

The route today...  handled fairly well.