Friday, January 1, 2021

'20 has turned the corner to '21, and here's hoping all things can return to a more "normal" status.

After a fine treat of DL's homemade cinnamon buns for breakfast, I made it to Phelps & Mountain Road parking around 11:00 a.m.  Went north, with the idea of turning around at Route 57.

The run, and my body, felt great.  I have taken it easier over the past couple weeks seeing as I was going to finish 2020 roughly 50-miles over my set goal of 1250, and saw the opportunity to go easy a bit.

Ran with shorts, but a long-sleeve tech-wick top with a fleece vest, as it was 37-degrees and pretty much sunny.  Very good call on the layers, I was totally comfortable throughout the run.

Completed 9.6-miles at 5 mph pace.  A satisfying start to 2021.