Thursday, April 8, 2021

Took a drive out to the Appalachian Trail, at my ending point in Massachusetts from last October where Routes 23, 183 and 57 all sort of converge.  The parking and first bit is in Great Barrington, but the majority of today's adventure was in Monterey.

Plenty of climbing today, 2200'.  I ended up turning around about a mile after the Mount Wilcox South Shelter, at a small stream crossing.  Mount Wilcox North Shelter would be within the next mile for me.  This was roughly about 4-miles out, and seeing as I was only averaging about 3.5 mph, it was a great spot to turn back.

Finished the day between 7.7 & 7.8-miles on the gps.  This was steep, and rocky, for much of the day.  It was also close to 70-degrees and sunny, so what I completed seemed fine.

Benedict Pond

View west from the Ledges