Saturday, June 5, 2021

To the Granville Reservoir area once again, to attempt to find some additional single-track and possibly explore some of the old forest roads.

All went well, except the heat and humidity were difficult.  I did some actual walking on the steep sections, found my way to some pretty cool spots, made some connections and did find some single-track.

Finished with 7.2-miles and additional questions and thoughts regarding the network of trails in this area.

On this day in 1994 I completed my 3rd marathon - Nipmuck.  It was my first Nipmuck Marathon completed, and my time was 4:02:00, good enough for 23rd place.

Also, on this day in 2005, I completed my 27th marathon - also Nipmuck, with a time of 4:48:13.  This was good for 29th place.