Friday, August 30, 2024

Beginning of five days watching "Dixie", my sister's dog.

Managed to take a quick run in Savoy Mountain State Forest, off Adams Road, up and over Bannis Mountain, or Tower 51 as we used to call it.

3.3-miles just before dark.

And From the Archives...
August 30th, 2020 - Nipmuck Trail
Bigelow Hollow to Gurleyville Grist Mill Marathon

Time to Marathon:

Bigelow Hollow to the Gurleyville Grist Mill, through Union, Eastford, Ashford, Willington and Mansfield, Connecticut.

Shuttled cars with Wuzzam, he and the Old Goat would be starting five or six miles away from me.  I hoped to catch them by mile 22 or 23.  This did not happen.

I felt really good until around 17 or 18-miles.  From that point on, I slowed from a 4.5 mph average to a overall 4.3 mph.  Ended up running 6:03:00, with another 5 or so minutes of stopped time to fill up water.  Wuzzam and Karl finished about 7 or 8 minutes before me, doing around 20-miles.  I hit right at 26.2-gps measured miles....  this was marathon #60 all-time for me.

Nipmuck Trail