Sunday, August 11, 2024

Visit with my Mom in Williamstown - Pop was visiting as well during lunch.

Stopped at the Old Whitcomb Summit to snap a few images of the Elk as well as Spruce Mountain in Monroe.

On this day in 2005...
Hallockville Pond Marathon
August 11th, 2005 - Hawley, Massachusetts

Today I completed my 30th marathon.  Locale was Dubuque State Forest and we named the event the "Hallockville Pond" Marathon.  

For company, I had Wuzzam being his norm good sport, and Tippi with her normal determination.  Old Farmer Tom met us along the Notch Trail on bicycle, and enjoyed a few miles with us.

This was Tippi's 4th completed marathon.  Our time ended up at 5:21:16.