Sunday, December 29, 2002

1st Annual Woodford Snowshoe Race
December 29th, 2002 - Woodford State Park, Woodford, VT

The 1st Annual Woodford Snowshoe Race bumped the Prospect Mountain Snowshoe Race starting this season.  Very nice, enjoyable park, deep snow, rolling course.

I finished 16th out of 77 participants.

Sunday, December 22, 2002

Dion Snowshoe Demo Day @ Savoy Mountain State Forest
December 22nd, 2002 - Florida & Savoy,  Massachusetts

Organized and Directed a 4-mile snowshoe demo for the Dion Snowshoe Company, circling North Pond, South Pond, and Tyler Swamp.  31 people as well as 1 dog completed the romp.

Saturday, March 23, 2002

5th Annual Hawley Kiln Snowshoe Races
March 23rd, 2002 - Dubuque State Forest, Hawley, MA

18 people showed up, spur of the moment more or less, to participate at a Kiln event due to some last minute snow.  Great conditions, and a stop off at South Face Farm for brunch afterwards.

Sunday, February 3, 2002

3rd Annual Saratoga Spa Winterfest 5km Snowshoe Race
February 3rd, 2002 - Saratoga Springs, NY

The third Saratoga Spa Winterfest 5km Snowshoe Race at Spa Park in Saratoga Springs, New York found me finishing in 15th place out of 91 participants.  This event was organized by my very good friends, JC & LC.

Saturday, January 26, 2002

1st Beaver Brook ~5km Snowshoe Race
January 26th, 2002 - Hollis, NH

I participated at the 1st Beaver Brook Snowshoe Event organized by my friend DD.  It was multiple loops, as the snow was fading fast during the 2002 season.  I had a very high 4th place finish out of 22 participants.

Saturday, January 19, 2002

3rd Annual Greylock Glen 5km Snowshoe Race
January 19th, 2002 - Adams,  Massachusetts

Race Directing duties with PH at the third Greylock Glen Snowshoe Race at the Mount Greylock State Reservation, in the Adams Glen...

I managed to finish in 9th position, with a total of 69 participants.  I can still remember the finish, with three of us hitting the flats in the Glen (about a half-mile to go) pretty much even.  I tried to separate through the brush and deep, drifted snow, knowing my two younger competitors were going to be quicker during the last 100-yards prior to the finish.  I didn't get the separation I needed, and ended up passed close to the finish, twice.  2-seconds between the three of us.

Saturday, January 12, 2002

5th Annual South Pond Shuffle 4-Mile Snowshoe Race
January 12th, 2002 - Florida & Savoy,  Massachusetts

Race Directing duties at the fifth South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe Race at Savoy Mountain State Forest...  once again part of the WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series!

The event had 78 starters and finishers, circling North Pond, South Pond, and Tyler Swamp.

A quite North Pond, after the event

Tippi at home in Savoy

DLV, relaxing with a hike after the event

 Feeling pretty good after directing duties

  North Pond

CCC Buildings, our "headquarters" at Savoy Mountain

The "Main-Base" for the South Pond Shuffle

Sunday, January 6, 2002

Marking the South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe course with my Pop and Tips, followed by a stop at Whitcomb Summit for some thoughts, and then a hike into the hidden "Burt" Cemetery.

Tyler Swamp

Tips on Tyler Swamp

Tippi trying to behave

Pop hanging ribbon

Pop at the Tyler Swamp intersection 

Ice on South Pond appears "Safe"

Ice on South Pond appears "Safe"

Me and Tippi

As I often said...  "she's a good girl, sometimes"

At our rock above our swimming area at North Pond

 Rock Area were we "took a dip" most years at North Pond

After marking, we stopped at the Whitcomb Summit

Elk Monument at Whitcomb Summit

In Memory...

Whitcomb Summit Monument

Whitcomb Summit Monument with Spruce Mountain in distance

Whitcomb Summit Monument

Old cabins at Whitcomb Summit

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Tippi with Greylock in background

Tips and Greylock

Tuesday, January 1, 2002

Spent a sunny, no-snow New Year's Day at Suffield Academy playing frisbee with Tippi.

Tippi loved frisbee

A deserved rest

Catching her breath 

Catching the frisbee in mid-air was easy for this dog

Sunday, December 30, 2001

1st Annual Prospect Mountain Snowshoe Races
December 30th, 2001 - Prospect Mountain, Woodford, VT

The 1st Annual Prospect Mountain Snowshoe Race joined our series, with both a 10km and a 5km option for racing.  I managed a 14th out of 41 finishers in the long-race.  There were 11 finishers for the short course, with my friend PH taking top honors!

Sunday, June 10, 2001

Nipmuck Trail Marathon
June 10, 2001 - Ashford, Connecticut

Completed my 25th marathon distance run today at Nipmuck Trail Marathon.  My finish time was recorded as 4:27:17, which was good for 35th place.

Monday, May 28, 2001

Being encouraged by Wuzzam, the Bandit and I drove out to Woodstock, CT to run their famous 10k road race (we were enticed with an offer of hamburgers at the Wuzzam residence afterward).

Bandit destroyed me at this one, a good minute and a half.  We both dipped under 45-minutes for an event we were not trained for.  Wuzzam was a few minutes behind us.

Saturday, March 3, 2001

2nd Annual Moody Spring Snowshoe Race
March 3rd, 2001 - Dubuque State Forest, West Hawley, MA

The 2nd Annual Moody Spring Snowshoe Race took place under my direction.

38 finishers for the 9-miler, and another 20 finishers on the 4.5-mile "short" course.  We ended up at South Face Farm Sugarhouse for an included "brunch", making this a tradition to wrap up our season.

Saturday, February 17, 2001

4th Annual Hawley Kiln Snowshoe Races
February 17th, 2001 - Dubuque State Forest, Hawley, MA

I once again directed the 4th Annual Hawley Kiln Klassic.  51 finishers for the 7-miler, and another 23 finishers for the 4.5-miler.  A great day!

Sunday, February 4, 2001

2nd Annual Saratoga Spa Winterfest 5km Snowshoe Race
February 4th, 2001 - Saratoga Springs, NY

The second Saratoga Spa Winterfest 5km Snowshoe Race at Spa Park in Saratoga Springs, New York found me finishing in 11th place.  Seven-Seconds separated 9th through 12th places!

The event had 82 starters and finishers.  This event was organized by my very good friends, JC & LC.