Thursday, May 5, 2016

A trip to Savoy, Massachusetts, back to my youth.  My goal was to get some running in along Brown Road, and locate an old cemetery that has been eluding me for close to two-decades.

I recall back in the '70's seeing the Staples Burial Ground on "Cherry Hill Road".  Over the past decade I've made some trips to view it again, but I kept getting shut out.  Today, I felt it would be different.

The run along Brown Road reminded me of all the Savoy Trail Races I had trained for and finished.  I remember snowmobiling Brown Road as a teenager in the '70's, coming up from High Bridge and heading toward Matt's Lodge to play pinball.  My mind wandered, came back to me, and there I was...  right where I needed to be.

Outside steps leading into Staples Burial Ground.

Samuel  Staples Gravestone.

Inside steps leading out of Staples Burial Ground. 


I explored more of Brown Road, running south to the intersection where I could have taken a right to Route 116 and the Tomb Cemetery.  Along the way, the stonewalls were amazing - not only along much of the old road, but shooting off into the woods often enough as well.  I found a future project, mapping those stone walls along Brown Road.

Odd stone work...  along the way.

Really rewarding run;  I found what I was looking for and also some things I wasn't.  Ended with 5.2-miles and feeling good about things.