Saturday, May 14, 2016

It seemed like a long while since I visited East Granby Farms.  Got out late in the day for about 4 1/2 miles, with some exploring mixed in.  One of the trails I used to run often, to connect in a roundabout way to Sunrise Park in Suffield, seems to have houses instead of woods.

The area and trails are heavily used by motorbikes;  it's always been that way, and the motorbikes most likely are responsible for the majority of trails into the eastern side of the ridge.  Seriously, they always had been pretty well maintained and not overused by any means.

Top of the Grassy Hill, Bench and Signage.

Another view.

Old Chimney along base of Ridge.

Abundance of Stone Walls throughout the shelf between the fields and the Ridge.

 More Stone Walls.

 Close up.
Interesting "Mound" with a stonewall.
Close up of "Mound" stonewall.

 Large interesting rock formation.

Same rock in relation to the stonewall leading to it.

A balanced rock along the stonewall.

Route for the day.