Monday, May 30, 2016

It had stopped raining enough, and the humidity was dropping a bit, so I wandered out for a short run on the Metacomet today, in West Suffield.  A quick quiet 3-miler. 

View from the high-point, about a mile north of Phelps Road / Mountain Road intersection.

View from the slightly north of above..
Lady Slippers along the trail (my wildflower ID technique stinks).

Looking up through a nice patch of Black Birch.

I brought a sapling branch back home with me, to present to Donnalee.  She loved the smell.

Additional Note:

On this day in 2009, Wuzzam and I completed a McClean Reservation Marathon in roughly five hours.   This was my 39th marathon completed.  I recall it being a fairly easy day for us.