Saturday, June 25, 2016

Something I do not do much of, a run in the later part of the day.  Didn't start out until close to 6:00 pm.  The conditions were comfortable, but I'll admit motivation is better when I run earlier...  

Metacomet from Hatchet Hill Road down to the Farmington River, and back.  There are many more "side-trails" available since I've last been here.  I don't know why I don't run this section more often, it's really nice.

Finished up with 3.8-miles total;  2.2-miles out to the Route 189 (I think) in Tariffville and with the short-cut coming back 1.6-miles.

View North, Upstream of the Farmington, from the lookout near T-Ville Gorge.

The Farmington River along the Metacomet Trail.