Friday, June 2, 2017

I didn't leave work as soon as I had hoped, so my time this afternoon was limited.  I would take advantage of my "disadvantage" and drive to McLean Reservation, and climb up the Western Barndoor Hill.  I've wanted to climb the Western Barndoor Hill, adjacent to the McLean Reservation's Eastern Barndoor Hill, for about two decades but never followed through.  Today would be different.

The run up and back measured out at 1.2-miles, but at the parking spot along Barndoor Hill Road & Kettle Pond Lane there was a path leading east into McClean through the field.  After passing through a few open meadows, I intersected a trail I was familiar with, and made 3.2-miles out of the day.

Once home, I was surprised to get a call from my old friend Hill Billiage.  It had been a very long time since we communicated, and it was beautiful to catch up. 

From the acrchives department...  I completed my 11th marathon on this day in 1996 at Nipmuck.  I ran a 3:56:50 in the race, which was good for 15th place.

View north from West Barndoor Hill
 A view off  Barndoor Hill
 Granby Landtrust signage