Friday, June 23, 2017

Wandered out to Penwood to see how I would hold up over the 6 1/2-mile loop around the park.  The warmth and humidity have returned, and the deer flies are just beginning to appear.  Despite these negatives, I had a decent run.  I was able to drop my prior best time from April of this year (1:34:00) to a respectable 1:28:00 today.

I am still having some lingering aches in my legs, I am a little over half-way into my lyme medications.  Not uncomfortable enough to not try running, but it will be something when all symptoms leave me.

 View from the top of the Pinnacle
First large snake of the year that I almost stepped on (~4-footer)
 View from the lookout south of Pinnacle

On this day in 2012, Wuzzam and I completed a Metacomet Marathon, with a time of 7:00:00.  Tippi ran the first section with us, from Route 20 to Phelps Road, and back (about 10.5-miles).  Weather report was that heating up was very possible - so the Donnalee grabbed Tippi early.  This was my 46th marathon completed.

Our Route for the Marathon Distance.