Saturday, June 3, 2017

Took a drive to Granville State Forest, with the intentions of refreshing my memory with the Ore Hill Trail;  I've pieced together a marathon from Granville to Satan's Kingdom, with the Hubbard River Trail as the lead leg.  Ore Hill was a trail I was familiar with 15-20 years ago, so I thought it would be a good day to check.

Traveled along Route 20 to Coe Road, and spent a few moments at the marker for Milo B, who died at this location in 1854.
Milo B Coe Marker

After speaking with the two DCR staff in the Headquarters for a few minutes as I was grabbing a trail-map, I noticed a "new" trail on the map (well, new to me as its been a while since I visited here).  The J&D Hewitt Trail appeared to follow the Hubbard River north for a bit, and then dead-end according to the map.  I followed it, and at this point I won't recommend using it.  The beginning is grown in with high grass, and the route follows what may have once been an old logging road, before stopping.  No signage, but the Hubbard River is pretty nice up this way.

Turn around point on the J&D Hewitt Trail

After getting my feet wet crossing the river, I bushwhacked toward Ore Hill Trail and enjoyed some old stonewalls and other stonework.

Maybe a balanced rock? Just needs to be cleaned up underneath?

Ore Hill was muddy and miserable, even after the intersection with Hayes Road and the climb.  Prior to that, I explored some bike trails north of this area, but both ended up in backyards.  Neither are good enough to re-visit.  Once on the top of Ore Hill, and the descent, the trail was better, but still wet, rutted, and being used for ATV's etc.  My initial choice of Hubbard River Trail will stand.  What is said about a first instinct is in fact true for me today.

Signage at the trailhead for Ore Hill Trail 

Once done, I had 8.7-miles on my legs.  More than I had anticipated, but it was only about 70-degrees with no humidity, so it seemed very easy.

Hubbard River flowing strong

Hubbard River Granville State Forest.... Part I & II.

Hubbard River, Granville, Massachusetts