Saturday, June 10, 2017

Lyme disease symptoms returned as the week progressed, slight at first but increasing in severity by last evening.  That being said, I began a cycle of doxycycline, which I'll be on for 21 days.

When I first came down with a Lyme Infection, I ended up in the hospital.  It propelled me to read many articles on Lyme, it's treatment, and living with Lyme.  One thing I recall is that the bacteria hates heat, so exercise is good.

I took a late afternoon trip to the Metacomet, and totaled up 4-miles.  Wore a hat and dressed in long sleeves due to the potential side-effect of the doxy with the sun.  It was overcasts enough, and shaded for the most part.

This means it is going to be very difficult to enjoy longish runs.  I'll have to run very early or very late if I am planning on any distance.  It also means I need to monitor how my body feels and reacts day-to-day.  Not the greatest news, but I'll manage.

Old News Department:  This day has found me completing two marathons in my past.  
In 2001, I completed my 23rd marathon at Nipmuck, in 4:27:17.  This was a 35th place, and my 5th completed Nipmuck.

Also, on this day in 2012, Wuzzam, Tippi and I completed a Tunxis Marathon in 6:26:10.  This was my 45th Marathon, and Tippi's 16th.

Video courtesy of Wuzzam; Tippi and I on the Indian Council Caves