Wednesday, August 2, 2017

 August 2nd, 2002... Fifteen Years Ago Today Part 2...

Continuing from yesterday, my August 2nd pictures from Savoy '02 reveal a route from Burnett Pond, to the Carter Burying Ground, then to the Dunham Burying Ground.  From there, I imagine I took a trip to Tannery Falls and/or Tower 51, but I honestly don't have records of it or photographs to jog my memory of what happened after the Dunham Lot.

The fact that 15-years ago today I was running through the woods photographing old forgotten graveyards tells me something about my obsession with such things.  Realistically, I've been searching and finding old burying grounds for much longer in Savoy and Hawley.  It amazes me that the old settlements were positioned in much different locales than what developed later on.

These are locations that are very special to me... they were in 2002, as well as much earlier.  I continue to visit them and feel joy each time I am lucky enough to  arrive.

The eastern shore of Burnett Pond
 Tippi never missed an opportunity to swim or grab a stick
Tippi on the stonewall circling the Carter Burying Ground
 Clarence F. Maynerd, son of Eber and Amy, aged 5-years and 4-months
Emma A. Maynard, wife of Eber
Step through stonewall at Carter Burying Ground
Dunham Burying Ground
Dunham Burying Ground
Dunham Burying Ground