Sunday, September 10, 2017

Savoy Part I

It was another beautiful day, and I drove to Adams early to visit with my parents.  Along the way, I stopped in Savoy to enjoy a run.  

The trails were as I remember them, that is fondly, but rugged (not all that well maintained).  Standing water is often an issue in Savoy, due to the layer of rock being pretty close to the surface of dirt.  Brush and small undergrowth has been infringing upon the trails for a while.  To be fair, the forest roads have been upgraded and maintained rather well (Adams Road & Tannery Road).  Both trails to Tannery Falls are in great shape, and the stone curbing, wooden steps, and fencing is actually a really nice touch now that I am used to it.

With all this in mind, I have always thought of Savoy as my favorite forest.  There is a lot of history in these hills, and many incredible landmarks.  I planned out a route, and it totaled up at 6.9-miles.  Within this loop, I enjoyed the following:
  • I caught view of both sets of windmills to the north, in Monroe and in Florida (not a positive for me as I am not a fan of these structures at all).
  • I passed by the road to Borden Mountain, or Tower 51 to the locales.  
  • The Balanced Rock was in much better shape than normal, as much of the graffiti has been scrubbed off and is pretty difficult to see remnants of.
  • Tannery Pond was picturesque.
  • The Falls were simply outstanding today.  I know everyone refers to the falls as Tannery Falls, but I never really figured out where Ross Brook, Parker Brook, and Tannery Brook fit into the picture.  There are two worthwhile cascades to witness, I'll leave it at that.
  • I stopped in to visit two graveyards along the way, the Estes and the Dunham Burial Grounds.  I'll add some data to these sites tomorrow in a Savoy Part II post.

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

Tannery Pond

Eastern Cascade

Eastern Cascade

Eastern Cascade

Eastern Cascade

Eastern Cascade

Tannery Falls

Stone Steps leading out of Tannery Falls

Tannery Falls

Estes Burial Ground

Estes Burial Ground

Dunham Burial Ground

Dunham Burial Ground

On this day in 2007, Tippi and I finished the Notchview Marathon.  We ran from Notchview Reservation in Windsor, Massachusetts into Dubuque State Forest in Hawley, then to Savoy Mountain State Forest in Savoy.  I remember that we got crushed by a heavy rainstorm for the last 3-miles.

This was my 35th completed marathon, and Tippi's 11th.  All in all, I recall not being in fantastic shape but the year was winding down, and the run was incredibly enjoyable.  I also recall missing a turn shortly after Windsor Jambs, continuing on the dirt road for a bit.

Looking at the map, we passed Windsor Pond, Crooked Neck Pond, and Hallockville Pond along the journey.  
Meadow at Notchview 
 Tippi on the Jambs Trail.
 Windsor Jambs.
 Alert, as always.
 Jambs, with Tippi on the ledge, upper right,