Saturday, September 2, 2017

The temperature was only 47 degrees when I started out this morning.  The plan was visiting Mrs. Murphy's Donuts (for my folks), a stop in Hawley to explore Dubuque State Forest, and cap the entire daylight hours off with lunch and a visit with my parents.  All goals were met, and happily at that.

Rolled around Dubuque for 8.2-miles, including some trails I hadn't been on in a long time.  Wonderful day.

Cellar Hole/Hallockville Rd, not listed in '89 Guide to Historical Sites in Hawley State Forest
 Cellar Hole off Hallockville Road
Brook Crossing along a hidden trail
 Stonewall Crossing along a hidden trail
Stonewall running toward swamp
 Stonewall running away from swamp
Interesting growth on an old tree
 Swamp along Hell's Kitchen Road
Stonewall Crossing on Bag 0' Tricks
Stonewall Crossing on Bag 0' Tricks