Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I am in a routine of starting work mid-day, at least a couple days a week.  The nice part of it is I have an opportunity to get out to exercise early rather than later.  I took this opportunity to drive to Williamsburg, to connect the trails at Big View to the trails at Petticoat Hill / Locke's Loop.

My recent visits to this area on August 11th and 25th intrigued me.  I remarked after the August 11th visit that I had memories of being in the area a long while ago, during a winter on snowshoes.  I have found the GPS-Coordinates from those trips, and overlaying them within the current routes is interesting.  Although things seem changed, the reality is the footsteps remain basically the same, more often than not.

I managed 4-miles today, including perhaps close to a mile of jogging.  My jogging right now is basically the same speed as my fast walking / hiking.  It felt decent.

I connected Big View with Petticoat Hill / Locke's Loop, and I explored some of the many paths between the two.  There will need to be additional visits to assist me with understanding what is available in these woods.  There are, after all, the old markers from a decade or so ago, to re-visit.