Saturday, August 11, 2018

On the drive to visit the folks, I stopped off in Williamsburg to hike the Petticoat Hill Reservation and Locke's Loop Trail.

The hip is still tender, so I wanted to see how walking felt.  Uphill is great, downhill not so great.

The property is really nice, and through a little research I see that there is a spur that may lead toward another Williamsburg Woodland Trail Property (Big View).  I believe I snowshoed through this area a decade or so ago, I plan on looking for old coordinates.

The Trustee's of the Reservations Kiosk for Petticoat Hill

Petticoat Hill Entry

Petticoat Hill Marker

Trail through stonewall

Connector Trail along stonewall

Locke's Loop Trail

Black Birch along the trail

Signage at Trailhead

Archives Department...  Also on this day in 2005, I completed my 28th marathon in Dubuque State Forest.  Referred to the Hallockville Pond Marathon, I enjoyed the company of Wuzzam and Tippi, with Old Farmer Tom meeting up with us on the Notch Trail by bike.

This was Tippi's 4th completed marathon.  Our time ended up at 5:21:16.