Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Drove out to Mt Washington Reservation (at least that area), to run in along Northwest Road to join up the Appalachian Trail where I ended last weekend.

The plan was to tumble down to Sages Ravine, Climb Mt Race (one of my all-time favorite areas), and turn-a-round at the saddle between Race and Mt Everett (at the Race Brook Falls Trailhead).

The conditions were remarkable, it was only 73 degrees when I finished the run at around 1:10 p.m.  It was really sunny and bright, with big, fluffy clouds filling in around the blue.  These outstanding conditions allowed me to make it to the Race Brook Falls Trailhead at 5.5-miles in decent shape - and the run back wasn't too bad.  Well, I call it running but I averaged 3.5 mph for pace along this rocky path.

The climb out of Sages Ravine to Mt Race is about 800' I think.  There is about a quarter to a half-mile of open ledge running along the edge of Race, which is remarkable to experience.  From the edge, there are open views south and east, as well as a spot of Greylock from one point.

There were a couple of 400' climbs as well, one from the turn-a-round at Race Brook Falls Trail back to Mt Race, and the final bit from Sages Ravine back up along Northwest Road to East Street parking area.  Throughout the run, the trail dips and dives off and on repeatedly, with not a ton of flat running anywhere.

Ended the day with 11-miles and feeling pretty good.  Drove north into Adams to surprise my folks for a quick visit before making the late drive back to CT.

Looking south from the edge of Mt Race

Old news department...

On this day in 2009, Tippi and I explored the Robert Frost Trail through Sunderland and Amherst (I think).  It was a day after a really hard rain, so the brooks and streams were really roaring.  We ended up losing a bunch of time "off trail" around Eastman Brook.

We parked at Amethyst Brook and did a bit south, then north to the foot of Bull Hill.  Outstanding area that I would like to return to.

This was my 41st completed marathon and Tippi's 14th.  The run took us 6:03:58 to finish.