Friday, September 10, 2021

Drove out to Granville after work to re-check and run the mountain-bike path I stumbled onto back on May 21st.

Completed 6.2-miles and witnessed a perfect balanced rock I had not noticed before.

Balanced - Perched Rock

Balanced - Perched Rock

Balanced - Perched Rock

Larger Balanced - Perched Rock

Larger Balanced - Perched Rock

From the Archives:  On this day in 2007, Tippi and I finished the Notchview Marathon.  We ran from Notchview Reservation in Windsor, Massachusetts into Dubuque State Forest in Hawley, then to Savoy Mountain State Forest in Savoy.  We got crushed by a heavy rainstorm for the last 3-miles.

This was my 37th completed marathon, and Tippi's 11th.  All in all, I was not in fantastic shape but the year was winding down, and the run was incredibly enjoyable.  Missing a turn shortly after Windsor Jambs, continuing on the dirt road for a bit, didn't count as a positive.

Looking at the map, we passed Windsor Pond, Crooked Neck Pond, and Hallockville Pond along the journey.  

Meadow at Notchview 

Tippi on the Jambs Trail.

Windsor Jambs.

Alert, as always.

Jambs, with Tippi on the ledge, upper right,

Weekly Weigh In while involved with the 61-Day Challenge - 223 lbs.