Monday, September 13, 2021

Yet another trip to Southwick/Granville to run from the Gorge.  I wanted to explore some of the side-trails I'd encountered over the past few days, and I rambled along the eastern "bottom" of Drake for 5.2-miles.

Large Standing Stone with "platform"

Large Standing Stone with "platform"

Remnants of old well, end of trail

Beaver Pond

Munn Brook, downstream of Gorge

Old Cabin, seen better days...

On this day in 2005, I completed my 29th marathon at Mt Washington State Forest, with the Riga Plateau, Appalachian Trail, and South Taconic Trail thrown in for good measure.  I had Tippi and Wuzzam along for the day, which set a record for high temperature unfortunately for us.  This was Tippi's 5th completed marathon.

Our time was 5:10:41, which shows we were really running pretty hard.  The lack of water on the trail was a real concern for me, with Tippi.  Luckily, the stream at the bottom of Bear had plenty, and from there on we were set.

Wuzzam looked absolutely beat climbing and coming down off Bear.  He needed the stream to cool off in as much as Tips did.