Saturday, September 23, 2023

2023 Unsupported "NonTrail Race Unofficial Challenge #14

Granville Reservoir 10KM (6.6-Miler)

K2 and I wanted to beat the Hurricane Remnants Heavy Rain that was projected for our region, so we began our run at 8:10 a.m.

We gave ourselves until 10, with an order to return to the car if heavy rain began.

In the end, we arrived back at the car just a few moments prior to the 10 a.m. cutoff, without any rain beginning.  Interestingly, within ten-minutes on the ride home it did begin to rain.  A small victory for us.

Still working on "field-checking" all the trails I have cataloged and mapped in the Granville Reservoir Section around Drake Mountain.

Using my "Naming Conventions" I've used on my map I covered the following today:

  • Winchell Mtn Bike Trail
  • UFO1 Trail
  • Little Perched Rock South Trail
  • White Pine Trail
  • UnNamed #1
  • Winchell Road
Completed 6.6-Miles in 1:34:30.