Tuesday, September 5, 2023

“If the building's still standing when we've finished then we've failed.”

― Charles Gayle

Charles Gayle, a saxophonist extraordinaire, who came to prominence in the 1990s after decades of obscurity, dies aged 80.

In the very early nineties, I was listening to an abundance of "Free Jazz".  I came across a review of a musician that I was not familiar with (very few were at that time, evidently).  The record being reviewed was "Repent" by Charles Gayle.  It contained two pieces, the first being "Repent" at almost 24-minutes of un-interrupted genius.  That was the short song.  The lengthier composition was entitled "Jesus Christ and Scripture" clocking in at slightly over 50-minutes.  I was sold before hearing a single note, and once I actually heard the record, I became a fan and quickly purchased everything I could find  by Charles Gayle.