Sunday, September 24, 2023

Rainy dreary day, stopped off at the "Old" High School track to attempt a second attempt at four Yasso 800's.

I completed each 800 as follows:

  • 3:58
  • 3:56
  • 3:58
  • 3:55

Just a bit easier than last week.  Roughly two weeks in a row is a really good start, if I can combine with the 5K runs into the winter months I'll be pleased.  

Finished with a total of 3-miles.

From the Archives...

 Mount Greylock Marathon

September 24th, 2006 - Adams, Massachusetts

On this day, I enjoyed a really special run and adventure.  

It was my 36th completed marathon, and it was at Mount Greylock.

The Greylock Marathon's always mean a bit more to me than others; this one was especially memorable due to the company I had for the entire route, my dad and my great friend Paul H, as well as Tips on her 10th completed marathon.  

We finished at 7:29:23, just beating some heavy rain.  An unbelievable day!

Greylock Finish, 2006