Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2024 Unsupported Trail Race Unofficial Challenge #02

Day After New Year's Day 20k (12.5-miles)

Began at the Bear Hole Reservoir Parking area with K2 early (8 a.m.) and cold (24-degrees).

We planned on 3-hours, and I hoped to get to the Trolley Trail north of Route 10/202 and the Ashley Reservoir.  I had been out there back in May of 2019, and it would be helpful for me to remake the connection to this group of trails.

Straight out north from Bear Hole, stuck to the old roads, and crossed the railroad-tracks onto the Ashley Reservoir gravel road in roughly 2.5-miles.  As I am still learning the roads around the reservoir, I erred and exited the property on a residential paved road for a half-mile or so, but it worked out to my advantage as it turned at the Holyoke Elks and the parking lot available for reservoir visiting.

Re-entered Ashley Reservoir, I knew where I was and what was necessary to find the exit at Route 10/202.  It happened, and I crossed the street at Doyle I believe, to run up the road toward Holyoke Community College.  It seemed like a long time, as I passed the trail-head at the daycare facility which I used back in 2019, but I found a good kiosk pointing me correctly into the woods across from the college.

Worked a bit of single-track, descended the ridge over a stream and I was on the Trolley Trail.  Followed it despite a few intersections pulling me (or trying to) and exited onto Route 10/202.  Plenty of space on the opposite side of the highway to run "inside" the guardrails, so safe.  Only about a quarter mile or so from the re-entrance to Ashley Reservoir.

Took the Adrenalize to the Cauldron Trails back to Prospect Ave, and then the New England Trail (Metacomet) back into Bear Hole.  Ended the day with 12.5-miles and 1000' climb at 4.9 mph, taking it slightly easy once on the old trails from Ashley south.