Friday, January 19, 2024

Mary Weiss, singer with the Shangri-Las passed away at age 75.

And when I told him

I didn't love him anymore

He cried (he cried)

And when I told him

His kisses were not like before

He cried (he cried)

I knew that our romance was over and done

But for him it had just begun

He Cried / Shangri-Las

It is pretty hard to know anything about music and not be able to recall The Shangri-Las.  They had a series of fantastic singles, and from the New York Dolls onward, Punk Bands have expressed their love of the Shangri-Las recordings.

The "Hits" and influential songs are numerous...

  • "Leader of the Pack"
  • "Remember (Walking in the Sand)"
  • "What is Love?"
  • "Give Him a Great Big Kiss"
  • "Maybe"
  • "Wishing Well" 
  • "Out in the Streets"
  • "Give Us Your Blessings"
  • "Right Now and Not later"
  • "The Train from Kansas City"
  • "I Can Never Go Home Anymore"
  • "He Cried"

Mary Weiss was out of recording music for decades, but returned around 2007 to work with "The Reigning Sound" for the Dangerous Game album.  I recall purchasing it from emusic as it was available on their service.

I really loved that record, still do.