Sunday, July 31, 2016

Finally some rain in the morning, with cooler temperatures.  The humidity is still difficult to deal with, with the associated outdoor recreational issues intact.  Kept the time down after yesterday's longish run, and the weather, to a comfortable 3.8-miles.

Used the Hatchet Hill trailhead for the Metacomet, and revisited Smaug's Lair and Keg Roller (which I may have previously read as Egg Beater or Egg Roller, no telling).  Took a side-trail heading further south close to the Farmington River and enjoyed that.  There remain a few more trails I haven't been able to tidy up yet.

The signage that appears on the mountain bike trails is pretty nice, and appreciated.  It looks like whomever is laying out these paths, and building them, has placed a great deal of emphasis on it being a substantial  trail network for a very long time.  Nice work!

I read this last month as Egg Roller.

Utilizing a nice natural feature along the trail.

Taj Mahal heads downhill (after some up) toward Cowles Park.

The sign for Metacomet is Taj Mahal's neighbor.

Beautiful section of the Metacomet using gentle swinging uphills embraced by fern.

Smaug's Lair, worth a look.