The outstanding weather continued, so I managed another exploration in Cowles Park, East Granby, Connecticut. Last weekend I ran a bit on the Metacomet in the Tarriffville area - and noticed dozen's of side paths. About 15-years ago I had run from Cowles Park up to the Metacomet Ridge, and figured it was time to re-familiarlize myself with the area, as many of those side-paths lead easterly off the ridge toward Cowles.
The amount of mountain bike trails in here is staggering. But, not only are there many, they are built really, really well. As I begin to learn how it all connects, I imagine I'll visit here often.
Ended up with just under eight-miles (7.89), in about 1:45:00. No bugs, No humidity, only minor heat today (about 80 degrees during the run). I'd call it a pretty good day.
Cowles Park in East Granby, Connecticut.
The fight for survival.
Cowles Park has several educational Tree ID postings throughout; this is Pitch Pine.
The view from above Tarriffville Gorge on the Farmington River.
All the trails explored today; I'll clean up a complete map once all trails are found.