Monday, October 2, 2017

Marathons Part V

Next up to account for are the marathons which were made up by myself, or with a few friends.  These "Do It Yourself" Marathon's total twenty-four finishes.

I don't even remember how the earliest three came into being.  I know several of us had interest in the South Taconic and Appalachian Trails in  New York, Western Connecticut and Southwest Massachusetts.  There was some minor talk, and then the runs were attempted.

Greylock 2005 was simply a repeat of the actual Marathon from 1998, but held as a birthday run for the Old Goat.  We knew the route, the only issue was dropping some water.

After that, research became important.  Mapping, knowing the distances of sections, aid drops, and making the routes memorable became the focus.  Looking at the list, I am pleased with what has been accomplished.  I am hopeful that I have many of these type of runs left in me.

1996       AT Riga Plateau
1997       Bash Bish
2002/2003           Mt Riga Plateau
2005       Greylock Marathon
2005       Savoy General Store Marathon
2005       Hallockville Pond Marathon
2005       Mt Riga Plateau
2005       Northern Nipmuck Marathon
2006       Metacomet Marathon
2006       Tunxis Marathon
2006       Tunxis Marathon II
2007       Notchview Reservation
2008       Hallockville Pond - Mt Institute
2008       Metacomet Marathon II
2009       McLean Reservation
2009       Robert Frost
2009       Tunxis II (South)
2012       Tunxis
2012       Metacomet Marathon
2012       Conway Covered Bridge
2013       Hawley Berkshire East
2013       DAR to Bullet
2014       Mohawk - Savoy Mtn
2014       Dunbar-Whitcomb-Jambs