Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Goals 2018

As the 2017 year comes to an end, I feel pleased with this blog.  Recording my adventures has helped keep me focused, and for the first time in a few years I managed a decent total of running miles.

I had a goal of 1000-miles for 2017, and I exceeded that by a little bit (1,055).  Not bad at all considering I had two periods of Lyme Disease Symptoms, and a very difficult to deal with case of Strep Throat.

Going into 2018, I am going to shoot for a total of 1200-miles.  This is a bit over the 10% rule, but I'll start slowly and be careful.  It really only changes from an expected average of 20.3 miles-per-week in 2017 to 23.1 mile-per-week in 2018.  I'll still be a far cry away from the 30-to-34 miles-per-week I managed for so many years, so I believe I'll be safe.  Time will tell, right?

Also, from the origins of WMAC Snowshoeing...  twenty-years ago today the the 2nd Annual Tannery Falls Winter Run (Snowshoe) was held at Savoy Mountain State Forest.  Four total finishers for the event, two with snowshoes (the Bandit and I).  We ran 3:39:13 for the 25-Km.