Sunday, December 3, 2017

Today was on the damp and grey side, but still in the mid-thirties.  Journeyed to DAR to explore the Lah-Zee Trail I spotted a week ago.  I also wanted to re-check the "Boy Scout" Trail, which I haven't traveled in five or six years.

Lah-Zee is very nice, just a bit rocky in spots.  Connects to the upper portion of the Bobcat Trail, so that is an important addition for me to get in my head.  The Boy Scout Trail was as I remembered it, I'll need to re-visit the trails south of Wing Hill Road near Rogers Brook and Merritts Hill.  It's been a long time since I ran through there, and the path connects to some Williamsburg Woodland Trails and Snowmobile Corridor trails.

Finally, on my way towards wrapping the run up, while near Ludwig Road Branch, I jumped off the road onto another single-track section, which after a few minutes split north and south.  I chose south and intersected the lower portion of the Bobcat Trail, and then retraced and continued north until I exited the woods at the bottom of Moore Hill Road.  Good finds today, with a total of 5.5-miles on my legs.

Stand of White Pine along the Lah-Zee Trail
White Pine along the Lah-Zee Trail
Stonewall Crossing along the Lah-Zee or Bobcat Trails
Feeder Stream into Chapel Brook, with remnants of a dam
Feeder Stream into Chapel Brook, with remnants of a dam
Feeder Stream into Chapel Brook, with remnants of a dam