Saturday, December 9, 2017

Today, I reached a goal set at the start of the year;  I really wanted to run 1000-miles total for the season, and today that was achieved. 

This isn't a ton of miles for most runners, and honestly from 1988 through 2014 I easily eclipsed this total without even trying.  2015 & 2016 were challenges, and one big reason I try to post on this blog every day is for me to focus on where I am, and how I'm doing, with regard to fitness and state of mind.  It really helps to write goals down, because if you don't, they are not concrete and only dreams.

Knowing I was only 2-miles from 1000, and snow was coming, I drove K2 out to McLean for an hour run.  I bushwhacked a bit, and finished pretty strong after a slow-ish start.  4.4-miles for the day, and the snow began just as we finished.

K2 with Hemlock
 Beaver Dam at Spring Pond, southwest side
And, from old gps data, ten-years ago today (December 9th, 2007) , Tippi and I snowshoed in Plainfield into Dubuque State Forest  as well.