Friday, June 1, 2018

A little warm and just after the rain had fallen, the 3.7-miles along the Metacomet Trail south from Phelps Road was a welcome today.  It felt really good to enjoy the woods and loose my mind for a little bit of time.

The forest has really "greened up" since last week

Old News Department...

On this day in 1997 I completed my 14th marathon - Nipmuck.  It was the 3rd time I completed Nipmuck, and my time was 4:31:44, good enough for 42nd place.

Also, on this day in 2013, I completed my 49th marathon - Hawley Berkshire East.  I had Wuzzam with me for this one, which was a real beast.  We had a total time on feet of 7:45:15, which was the longest either of have ever been on our feet moving through the forest.  It was most likely more than a marathon distance.  By several miles...  (or more).

In the way-back department, from June 1st, 2002 (sixteen big years if you want me to do the math), a group of Adams-Boys and a few others tackled a long run on Greylock.  By the look of the pictures, I can recreate out steps... it was a longish day judging by the snapshots.

The Group at Jones Nose

Climbing Jones Nose

Rest Break after the climb

Billy leading us through CCC Dymanite Trail

Another Rest Break

Deer Hill Falls

A very young Trail Troll with Tippi