Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Music 2018...

Effort #24, The Modern Lovers "Roadrunner".  Another cover by the Primatives in 1984, the full band version (Farmer, Aldo, Lee, DL & Skippy) live on Burlingame.

Third times a charm on this one, as I've recently posted two other versions.  This one starts off sounding like "Sister Ray", but at about the 1:20 mark Lee drives this thing into overdrive.  Her drumming was incredible, and we kept up the pace.  I especially like Aldo yelling "Ok... you sing it Eddie" toward the ending.

"... Got the Power Got the AM."

On this day in 2010, I ran the Nipmuck Marathon for the 8th time.  It was my 44th marathon completed, with a time of 5:07:28.  This was good for 34th place overall.