Thursday, June 14, 2018

Back to Cowles to run the "inside loops" somewhat hard.  After yesterday's jog, I thought one loop inside would be right at 3-miles.  I am not sure if I am wrong or not, but I ran fairly hard, and I ended with 2.6-miles on the gps.

But, I might not be wrong at all, either.  The "inside loops" turn back on themselves regularly, for the duration of the paths.  It is so extreme, that at times the gps actually tracks over itself.  I know from experience that under these conditions, a older gps is going to be 10% to 30% off.  The unit I use is newer, with much better accuracy, but the twist and turns are going to be an issue on a trail network like this.

The deciding factor for me is that running slightly hard had me finishing in 40:30, which is much too slow for my effort today.  I am not sure what the distance really is, and wont unless I wheel it or have someone with a mountain bike measure the route for me, but I am going to call this a 3-miler for reference sake.  Next time I ramble through this maze, I will attempt to break 40-minutes!