Saturday, April 13, 2019

After looking over some old trails I'd run in April and May of 2009, I realized it's been too long without revisiting.  Completed 7-miles in Conway State Forest and surrounding area, adding northern distance to the March 3rd run I completed.

I did recall the old mill site on Avery Brook, but not as detailed as it appeared today.  I was able to spot and record junctions that would connect me with my Avery Brook run from 2016.  

As far as getting from my end point to Cricket Hill Cemetery, and back into Conway State Forest, I hope to tie that up soon.

Snowmobile Signage

Avery Brook

Avery Brook Falls

Stonewall and Moss Covered Limb


Stonewall and Mill Foundation

Mill Foundation

Mill Foundation using large rock

Foundation, ten or so feet tall

Stonework at Mill Site 

Cricket Hill Cemetery

Combo Map