Friday, April 5, 2019

I wanted to check the trail conditions along the Tunxis Trails in East Hartland, CT.  While out that way, I thought it would be a wonderful idea to verify the Hurricane Brook Connector to Valley Brook was still "in play".  The last visit exposed a heavy logging presence, and I wanted to see if the route was still something I could follow.

Winter looks about over, there were patches of some ice but nothing too bad.  One more week and it should be totally melted.  The route is still present, it looks as though the logging may have moved to the other side of Route 20.  In a couple years, the wide-open spots that were clear-cut may begin to grow in a bit, but for now there are a few hundred yards of exposed area.

All went well, totaled 5.3-miles for the day.

Hurricane Brook Road Signage 

Valley Brook at the Black Bear Crossing

Hurricane Brook at Route 20