Saturday, April 6, 2019

Williamsburg, Massachusetts to explore the marathon route I targeted last year, from Unquomonk over past Petticoat Hill.  Rounded out with 7.6-miles, which included two small spurs that were errors, as well as a 1-mile or so bushwhack after Old Wolf Hill.

I did make my way back to Unquomonk, although it looks like I was a bit lower than that official "Big View" trails.  I did ramble downhill alongside a beautiful brook for a bit, which would be worth re-visiting.

I have better bearings for this area after today's exploration.  The route from the Gun Club to the Gas Pipeline seems cemented in my head.

Beautiful day in the fifties, with wonderful sunny sky.

Unquomonk Reservoir Area

Old Path / Gas-Pipeline, usually a "beaver marsh"

Stacked Stones as Trailmarker

Bench "Welcoming" Visitors

Brook Crossing in Hemlock Grove

Stonewall at Old Wolf Hill 

Perched Boulder

Perched Boulder

 Stonewall leading Downhill

Stonewall leading Uphill