Sunday, June 2, 2019

After the long run yesterday, and hopes to cover some decent distance on Monday, I enjoyed a 2.1-mile hike on the Henry Buck Trail in the American Legion State Forest.

I've been across the Farmington River at Peoples State Forest many times over the years, but I've never before explored the Henry Buck Trail.  The route is a horseshoe, with a connector along the road if you wish.  There are many incredible large stones throughout the route, as well as a pretty impressive boulder field with possible caves.

Each "end" is a climb to get you to the high-point, and there is even the remnants of an old mill of some sort it looks like, half-way up the mountain.

Bridge along the Henry Buck Trail

Perched Rock along the Henry Buck Trail

Perched Rock along the Henry Buck Trail

Perched Rock along the Henry Buck Trail

Perched Rock along the Henry Buck Trail

View east through the Foliage


Stone Steps on the Henry Buck Trail

Old Mill Site?

Old Mill Site?

One of many brooks running down the mountain

From the archives department...  I completed my 11th marathon on this day in 1996 at Nipmuck.  I ran a 3:56:50 in the race, which was good for 15th place.