Friday, June 7, 2019

Up early for a 2-mile hike on the Metacomet Trail, from Phelps Road north.

Later on this evening, I'll be meeting up with my old friend "Hillbillidge" to attend "The Thing in the Spring", which takes place in Peterborough, NH.  On the card is Trinary System (with Roger Miller from Mission of Burma), Thalia Zedek, and one of my all-time favorite bands, Bardo Pond!

After the show in front of the Unitarian Universalist Church - ever seen two guys happier?

And, two throwbacks today...

On this day in 1998, I completed the my 4th Nipmuck marathon in 4:28:33, a 41st placement.  This was my 18th finished marathon.

Also on this day, in 2009, I completed my 7th Nipmuck Marathon in 4:37:03 (a fantastic 19th place).  This was my 40th marathon overall.

A great marathon day in my history!