Sunday, August 11, 2019

Decided it was time to explore the Mohawk Trail in Connecticut, so I began the journey on Route 4 in Cornwall at the entry to Mohawk State Forest.

The Mohawk Trail crosses Route 4 at this point, today I decided to work my way west over Mohawk Mountain and past Cathedral Pines.  Ended with a really nice run of 8.2-miles.

Toward the end of today's run, while on the road section, I missed the trail cutting off toward Coltsfoot Mountain.  That was to be my turn-a-round point, but I instead wandered my way down to meet up with Route 4 again.

Once back home, DL and I took a drive out to Nestrovich Farm in Granville, MA to pick up peaches.

Forest signage

View north from Mohawk State Forest

View of Quarry Hill from the trail

Remaining White Pine in Cathedral Pines Natural Area

Cathedral Pines Entry

National Natural Landmark

Coltsfoot Mountain

I ended up at this location near Route 4

Stone work for Stream

Back in Cathedral Pines, looking up

This one survived the July 10th, 1989 tornado

Plenty of stonewall climbing Mohawk Mtn from the west

More stonewall

Stonewall gap for trail

Top of Mohawk Ski Area

Old Tower on Mohawk

View off Mohawk

Wonder spot for Peaches and Apples

Archives Department...  

... on this day in 2005, I completed my 28th marathon.  Locale was Dubuque State Forest and we named the event the "Hallockville Pond Marathon.  

For company, I had Wuzzam being his norm good sport, and Tippi with her normal determination.  Old Farmer Tom met us along the Notch Trail on bicycle, and enjoyed a few miles with us.

This was Tippi's 4th completed marathon.  Our time ended up at 5:21:16.