Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I took on a challenge that I don't ever challenge myself with...  after work I drove out to Egremont, to run the Appalachian Trail from Jug End Road to Route 7 in Sheffield, Massachusetts.

It is unusual for me to travel beyond my local area to a running location during the week.  It makes for a lengthy day with another work day beginning early the next morning.

Everything went really well, I completed the sections for a total of 9.3-miles.  There are not any big climbs through this section, it is mostly flat and through many fields and wet, swampy areas.  Despite it being cool (mid 70's) it was humid, and the bugs (mosquitoes and deer flies both) were ferocious.

I had left work at 3:15 p.m., and got back home around 8:30 p.m. or so.  A pretty great way to spend a Tuesday night, all in all.

View of Jug End from the east

Stonewall Passage along the AT 

Stonewall Passage

Stonewall Passage with heavy fern

View of Race and Everett

Race and Everett from the AT