Saturday, July 24, 2021

Drove back to Granville to link Beach Hill Road to North Lane No. 1, since I've been at it awhile and feel close to completing the way through.

Found the route I needed, works wonderfully within the rest of my "network".  Basically at an exit from the Phelon Memorial Forest near the gas-pipe line right of way.

5.2-miles of hiking, with a few steps of running here and there.  The toe is not ready for full-time running activity yet.

Old news department...

On this day in 2009, Tippi and I explored the Robert Frost Trail through Sunderland and Amherst (I think).  It was a day after a really hard rain, so the brooks and streams were really roaring.  We ended up losing a bunch of time "off trail" around Eastman Brook.

We parked at Amethyst Brook and did a bit south, then north to the foot of Bull Hill.  Outstanding area that I would like to return to.

This was my 43rd completed marathon and Tippi's 14th.  The run took us 6:03:58 to finish.