Sunday, August 6, 2023

Drove to Northwest Park with K2 - hoping to get closer to completing the 2023 NWP Trail Hike Challenge.  K2 made it out there throughout the week, and managed to complete his last remaining sections today, so congrats to K2!

I managed 5-miles today, in roughly an hours-time.

The trails I completed today were:  Brookside, Open Forest, Triassic and the Woody Succession.

Last week I had knocked out the Bog, Hemlock, Pond and Wetland Forest Trails.

What remains are:

  • Conservation Trail
  • Softwood Forest Trail
  • Rainbow Reservoir Trail

Ended up the day with a 3-hour emergency shift at work and a ride to JMH to pick up prep liquid for Tuesday's procedure.

And, remembering a Musical Life....

David LaFlammee, most remembered as a founding member of "It's a Beautiful Day" and White Bird fame, dies aged 82.

I do have the band's first two albums, and the self-titled first album is really remarkable and a favorite of DL and I.