Thursday, August 31, 2017

Another wonderful night regarding weather, and a 3-mile run on the sidewalk to show for it.

Tobacco Field along Suffield Street

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

3-Mile run along Main Street in the dark on a wonderfully cool night.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Music 2017...

Effort #27, Gov't Lies...

Another from the Primitives, going back to the summer of 1984.  This is an original composition written by Aldo, with music by yours truly.  I remember trying to verbally explain the drum solo I heard in the middle of this, and L nailed it from my description / imagination.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Music 2017...

Effort #26, True Love Will Find You In the End...

An old Daniel Johnston tune, done quickly.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Wuzzam talked me into running with him;  I was planning on going to Hawley alone just to see what my fitness level was, and see how I would hold up after the bout with Lyme.  As a bonus, Wuzzam promised to bring his son along....  a son who had never run over 7 or 8 miles before.

We took a really nice tour of Hawley, right around 13-miles as counted by the gps.  I felt pretty darn good throughout, and it would have been hard not too with temps being dry and only in the mid 60's for the duration.  An excellent day by all accounts.

A favorite of ours, the Hawley Kiln

Bert Wilson Gould Cellar Hole on Moody Spring Road

Stone Shelter at Moody Spring

Wuzzam sitting opposite Moody Spring

Wuzzam at Moody Spring

Camp Rock

From inside out, at the Kiln

Looking up from within the Kiln

Also on this day, I've had success completing marathons.  The first was in 2008 and the second was a year later in 2009.

In 2008, Tippi and finished Metacomet II, which began at Phelps Road in Suffield, and covered north to Route 57 and south to Route 20.  Running time of 5:32:00.  This was my 37th and Tippi's 13th completed marathon.

In 2009, Wuzzam joined Tippi and I at Tunxis II (South), which meant we ran from Route 219 to Satan's Kingdom, and also north to Roberts Brook I believe.  Our time was 6:04:44.  This was my 42nd and Tippi's 15th marathon.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

I ended my 21-day program of doxy for Lyme Disease yesterday, and I also had spent a week not doing much but sitting in a classroom and in a car.  I did jog through 3-miles along Main Street last night, but I can't say that gave me much indication of how I was feeling.

It was such a wonderful day today, low to mid seventy degrees with zero humidity.  Decided upon McLean, with a goal of running consistently "quick" considering I haven't really run hard at all for the past 3-weeks.

I had minor soreness, or stiffness, in my legs, but I made it through 5.5-miles in a 5.7 mph average.  I certainly was pleased with this, and it gives me some confidence going forward.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Drove back from Plymouth to Connecticut, and took a short 3-mile run along Main Street in the dark of night.  The learning attained at Plymouth (SCADA) was really valuable, and I was surrounded by a nice group of young people for the duration.  There is much to be said about trying to stay current, and hanging around with younger generations.

It was on this day in 2002 that I participated in a Mt Toby Trail Race.  I don't have a distinct memory of it, but there are a few photographs showing me on the course...

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Still in Plymouth, and it's going really well. 

Going back a ways, on this day in 2002 we visited the Cummington Fair and saw that my folks Pumpkin display took a blue ribbon!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

SCADA Training is going well, but no running or sight-seeing.  For this trip, it's Eat, Learn, and Sleep.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I'll be in Plymouth all week, learning something new for work.  I am not a great "being away from home" person, so I'll just focus on the SCADA Training throughout the day, and dinner with DL in the evening. 

While I was in class today, DL ventured out on a whale watch, that was very rewarding!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Travel day to Plymouth, Massachusetts for some work training.  The eclipse happened just as we arrived at our destination.  No photos of my own, but I saw one online at Sky and Telescope that reminded me of what we saw....

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Beautiful clear day, low 70's and breezy.  Especially fantastic to be up on the Metacomet Ridge, which was surprisingly not busy today.

Still feeling about the same as yesterday, roughly 60% of what I hope for.  It was a bit of a struggle, but the enjoyment of being in the fresh air helped me get through the 5.8-mile round trip to the Notch and back.

Approaching Copper/Peak Mountain from the south
Looking south from Copper/Peak towards Penwood & Hueblin
At the "Spine" about 1.75-miles out from Rt 20
Manitook Mountain is visible in the center of the picture
This tree and rock have shared space for a very long time

Saturday, August 19, 2017

I drove out to Penwood to see how I would react to some minor hills.  It was a good 5.5-mile run, and I felt as though I am at about 50% - 60% of normal fitness during this lyme disease flare up.

The run was tough but enjoyable;  what was really pretty neat was I was able to help a few folks out.
  • I gave an unopened bottle of gatorade to a group of three human - one dog, who were at the half-way point of their hike, and were out of water with 3-miles to go.  It was a warm humid mid-morning. 
  • Once I completed my loop, I was asked by a biker for use my cell-phone to call his lost cycling buddy, who was somewhere within Penwood but not where he was supposed to be.  Turns out the missing person was about a mile and a quarter away at Lake Louise, while we were at Wintonbury Road.
Open Ledge along Yellow Trail west of the New England Trail (aka Metacomet)

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Savoy 20-Miler was organized each year in August, from 1998 thru 2007.  From 2008 thru 2014, the course changed to varying distances and stayed to a more northern route.  

I completed the 20-miler each year from 1992 to 2007.  It was, and always will be, my favorite trail race event.  Not necessarily my favorite trail, or race, but event.  You had to be there to understand.

The story about Savoy posted on August 14th is mostly true... 

A map of the old Savoy Twenty-Miler, held annually from 1988 to 2007

Thursday, August 17, 2017

I managed another late night (7:30 p.m.) 3-mile run along Main Street today.  Again, nothing special, but it does beat doing nothing.