Saturday, June 12, 2021

I returned to Granville to tie some tracks up from yesterday.

There is an abundance of trails, old roads, forest roads, right of ways and motorcycle path - and it will take some time to piece it together so I can understand (see it all in my head).

Absolutely beautiful morning, the light rain had finished and it was still very cool with dropping humidity.

I rambled on through the route I had hoped to, completing 9.6-miles with a second half at a speed of over 5-mph (great for me).  Dozens of additional side-trails revealed themselves today, which will certainly increase my need to continue visiting this area.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Visited Granville to gain more understanding of the network of trails, old roads, forest roads and right of ways. 

Did well to get back around to the car - the amount of trails are staggering, especially faint or obscure variations of trails (motorcycle routes).

I ended up losing my gps signal when my batteries died, luckily I had a replacement set in my pack.

It was then that I used the "Go To" function, which I have only relied on a handful of times, to get myself oriented and finally back to the parking area.  All in all, very helpful day for understanding these woods.  I got a great 7.1-miles on my legs.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Drove out to County Road in the Town of Washington to pick up the Appalachian Trail where I had last left off at this location, back on May 18th.

Rambled out to the brook at 5.6-miles or so, and returned to total up 11.55-miles.

Excellent temperatures, low to mid '70's for the duration.  Only 43 miles from home.  Other than the quick climb in each direction of Bald Top, much of this section is merely rolling.  Great day.

Entry Point today

Swamp at West Branch Road Crossing

Bent Tree Limb

"...A Wizard Should Know Better"

Brook at Turnaround Point

Large Rock Slab

Large Rock Slab

Large Rock Slab

This has been a Great Marathon Day in my History!  

Two completed marathons on this day in my past!

In 2001, I completed my 25th marathon at Nipmuck, in 4:27:17.  

This was a 35th place, and my 5th completed Nipmuck.

Then, on this day in 2012, Wuzzam, Tippi and I completed a Tunxis Marathon in 6:26:10.  

This was my 47th Marathon, and Tippi's 16th.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

3-miles at the end of work. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

What Played in Ed's Head -- Music listened to for the time-period  May 1st through 31st, 2021:

Monday, June 7, 2021

A great marathon day in my history!  Two throwbacks today...

On this day in 1998, I completed the my 4th Nipmuck marathon in 4:28:33, a 41st placement.  This was my 20th finished marathon.

Also on this day, in 2009, I completed my 7th Nipmuck Marathon in 4:37:03 (a fantastic 19th place).  This was my 42nd marathon overall.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Out to Shenipsit State Forest to meet Wuzzam, to see if his aching knees are repaired.

Also on this day in 2010, I ran the Nipmuck Marathon for the 8th time.  It was my 46th marathon completed, with a time of 5:07:28.  This was good for 34th place overall.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

To the Granville Reservoir area once again, to attempt to find some additional single-track and possibly explore some of the old forest roads.

All went well, except the heat and humidity were difficult.  I did some actual walking on the steep sections, found my way to some pretty cool spots, made some connections and did find some single-track.

Finished with 7.2-miles and additional questions and thoughts regarding the network of trails in this area.

On this day in 1994 I completed my 3rd marathon - Nipmuck.  It was my first Nipmuck Marathon completed, and my time was 4:02:00, good enough for 23rd place.

Also, on this day in 2005, I completed my 27th marathon - also Nipmuck, with a time of 4:48:13.  This was good for 29th place.

Friday, June 4, 2021

More exploring Sodom Mountain, this time late afternoon once work ended.  Somehow, I avoided any rain, which was a blessing.

Explored some on the bottom, from the April 19th track for a bit.  Hit the remnants of an old path that is still followable but a bit grown in, until I joined "good trail" that I had previously been on toward the top.

Once past the cell tower, I took an optional trail I hadn't tried before, and managed to get to the ravine crossing from April 19th once again.  Tried to stay south, although at times it didn't seem it, but persisted and I actually arrived at the top of Sodom Mountain Road.  

Ran down the road to Loomis, and seemed to fly back to the car on pavement, finishing with a surprising 8.1-miles.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

3.1-miles along Main Street & North Main prior to work. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

From the archives....

I completed my 11th marathon on this day in 1996 at Nipmuck.  I ran a 3:56:50 in the race, which was good for 15th place.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Old News Department...

On this day in 1997 I completed my 15th marathon - Nipmuck.  It was the 3rd time I completed Nipmuck, and my time was 4:31:44, good enough for 42nd place.

Also, on this day in 2013, I completed my 51st marathon - Hawley Berkshire East.  I had Wuzzam with me for this one, which was a real beast.  We had a total time on feet of 7:45:15, which was the longest either of have ever been on our feet moving through the forest.  It was most likely more than a marathon distance.  By several miles...  (or more).

Monday, May 31, 2021

The rain is letting up, so I headed out to Granville to explore more of Sodom Mountain, hopefully continuing from yesterday's drop off point.

I began up the normal climb and took the second left, which ended up being a pretty nice (at times) trail that was "inside" yesterday's route.  Found the drop off point easily enough, continued and made my way back to a mini loop.  

Continued toward the summit, and tried to head south.  Found the rock lookout over Cooley Lake, found the Cell Tower from the April run out here, and continued a bit south before heading back and ending with 5.6-miles on my feet.

Made the way into work afterward, third day in succession over this Holiday weekend.

View off Rock Ledge with Cooley Lake present

Sunday, May 30, 2021

After a wonderful breakfast of banana pancakes, I drove to Granville to explore the Gorge Trail.  

I was hoping to find a brook crossing that would line up with one of the forest roads I visited Friday.  I saw a nice spot with large rocks most of the way across, out of the water even during this high flow (it's been raining for three straight days).  Best of all, it looks like it matches to one of my intersecting points from Friday's track.

I ended up hiking upstream another quarter-mile or so, looking for an actual "trail" from the other bank but nothing appeared.  Scrambled up the bank to Route 57 and heading back to the parking area, with 1-mile in.

Crossed the road and started up Sodom Mountain, to make another attempt at learning the array of trails in this large wooded area.  The ATV/Motorcycle trails are pretty abundant, and I stuck to main wide paths today.  The rain began to really pour down about half-way out, so once I hit a final decent spot I could remember I turned back with 3-miles on this section, for a total of 4-miles for the day.

More exploring is in order, both sides of Route 57.

And on this day...

McLean Game Refuge & Holcomb Farm Marathon
May 30th, 2009 - Granby & Simsbury, Connecticut

Wuzzam and I completed a McClean Reservation Marathon in roughly five hours.   

This was my 41st marathon completed.  I recall it being a fairly easy day for us.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

3.5-miles after the heavy rain lessened - Remington Loop.