Friday, February 16, 2018

Back toward DAR State Forest to tie up the snowmobile trail from the solar panels.  Took a chance and drove up Route 143, and found a great spot to park at the snowmobile crossing.  This looked familiar to what I remembered, having last been exploring on these trails back in the winters of 2007, 2008, and 2009 with Tippi.

The conditions were bad for snowshoeing, and even worse for running without them.  Intermittent snow cover, lots of slick ice, some mud and rocks.  Good news was that I was able to follow the route easily enough.  The trail ended up being pretty familiar, and right at the 2.5-mile mark from Route 143 I intersected my stop-point from last Saturday, at the top of the solar panels.  Turned around for a nice 5-miler for the day.

There were two intersections along the way that were "signed" as snowmobile route corridors, with directions to "Pat's Store" on Route 9.  Both of these will be explored in the future, with the northern most path most likely leading down to Route 9 opposite the Breckenridge Sanctuary.  

Today's 5-mile route

Solar Panels, today's turn-a-round point from the south

Headwaters of Town Lot Brook, a tributary of Meekin Brook

Overall Route from DAR to Route 143