Monday, February 19, 2018

Presidents Day today, drove out to Williamsburg/Goshen to connect the snowmobile trail from Route 9 at the Breckenridge Property to above the solar panel field.  Finished with 4.9-miles on snowshoes.

Above the solar panels on Walnut Hill I watched a lone coyote scamper away through the snow, which was my first glimpse of a coyote in a few years.  While moving through the Breckenridge Property on the east side of Route 9, I witnessed a red-tailed hawk passing through the hemlock.

The day was a success as I completed  the connections I had hoped to;  an uninterrupted path from DAR State Forest to the Breckenridge Property and Old Goshen Road.  The next bit will be a southward 1/2-mile journey to join the Bradley Property, which used to get me to DAR or Conway State Forest via snowmobile corridor routes.  I plan to check the condition of those passes.

Blake Brook east of Walnut Hill

Interesting stonewall running into a large boulder on Walnut Hill

Perched Rock on Walnut Hill

Another view of the Perched Rock on Walnut Hill

Blake Brook in the Breckenridge Property

Bridge over Blake Brook in Breckenridge

Trailhead Signage on Old Goshen Road

From the Archives...  On this day in 1995, the 1st Moby Dick Marathons were held.  This was my 5th marathon, with the 28-miles completed in 5:01:00.

It seemed like a good idea, but there are reasons why the event didn't last, especially as a 28 or 30 miler.  Bitter cold, difficult, no aid,  February on Greylock....  seems like there would be many additional "whys".

This run was really special for me, it cemented my friendship with Paul.  We ran the entire event together, and began to dream up our snowshoe series.  Paul and I ended up roaming the woods together for a very long time, we see the same things in nature.